You Don’t Know Node.js EventLoop

<p>You might be wondering if the title of this article is a bit ambitious, but fear not! I&rsquo;ve put in the time and effort to cover everything you need to know about the EventLoop in Node.js. And believe me, you&rsquo;ll discover so many new things along the way!</p> <p>Before beginning this article, I&rsquo;d like to inform you that it&rsquo;s important to have a basic understanding of Node.js and its EventLoop to fully comprehend the core concepts discussed.</p> <p>This comprehensive guide is going to take some time to cover every detail that you need to know, so grab a cup of coffee and settle in for an exciting journey to the fascinating world of Node.js. Let&rsquo;s get started!</p> <p>Here is the list of topics covered in this article.</p> <p>&mdash; What is Node.js<br /> &mdash; Reactor Pattern<br /> &mdash; Node.js Architecture<br /> &mdash; Event Queues (I/O Polling, Macrotasks, Microtasks)<br /> &mdash; Changes from Node v11<br /> &mdash; CommonJS vs ES modules<br /> &mdash; Libuv (thread pool)<br /> &mdash; DNS is problematic in Node.js<br /> &mdash; Custom Promises &mdash; Bluebird<br /> &mdash; Summary</p> <h1>What is Node.js</h1> <p>If you take a look at the official documentation, you&rsquo;ll find a brief explanation like this.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>Node.js</strong>&nbsp;is a JavaScript runtime built on&nbsp;<strong>Chrome&rsquo;s V8 JavaScript engine</strong>. It uses an&nbsp;<strong>event-driven</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>non-blocking I/O</strong>&nbsp;model that makes it lightweight and efficient.</p> </blockquote> <p>Well, that brief explanation doesn&rsquo;t tell us much, does it?</p> <p>There are so many important details and concepts related to the EventLoop in Node.js that require a more in-depth explanation.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>