The Yonaguni Monument: Ancient Underwater Enigma

<p>The depths of the ocean have always held a sense of mystery and fascination for humanity. Among the many mysteries that lie beneath the waves, the Yonaguni Monument: Ancient Underwater Enigma stands out. This massive underwater rock formation stands 25m tall, 100m long, and 60m wide. However, the rock itself is composed of shale and sandstone and dates back 20 million years. It covers around 45,000 square meters. This mystery place is located off the coast of&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Yonaguni Island in Japan</a>. The monument has been argued over since its discovery. As we go into these ocean buildings, we try to uncover not only its origins but also theories that suggest it might be more than just a natural formation.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>