Game design, yoga for the mind

<p>Today, there are almost too many academic papers proving that gaming isn&rsquo;t bad, and in small quantities, actually good for you, and your brain. But it wasn&rsquo;t always viewed this way, and even today, most parents would rather not have their children on consoles. Game designers have been fighting this battle for decades. Joining their ranks, are product designers. Why? Game design has been embodying aspects like accessibility in digital design for a while, and honestly, it&rsquo;s inspirational. But how is it good for your brain? Let&rsquo;s get to it.</p> <h1>Whose brain are we talking about?</h1> <p>Are we talking about the group that plays FIFA over a weekend once a month or the DOTA tournament gang? Neither. We&rsquo;re here to talk about the casual gamers &mdash; the ones that average anywhere between 5&ndash;10 hours a week, on several different games. The reason we aren&rsquo;t being entirely inclusive is that like any other regime, training your brain is all about consistency. If you&rsquo;re playing once a month all through a weekend, maybe you&rsquo;ll see wisps of some of the pointers below, but it&rsquo;s quite likely the effects won&rsquo;t be as dramatic. And if you&rsquo;re playing 5 hours a day, you&rsquo;re either training to be a pro-gamer or you&rsquo;re an edge case.</p> <p>Like everything fun in the world, it&rsquo;s good for you, but only in moderation.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Yoga Mind