Why Yellow Fever Is Different Than “Having a Type”
<p>I’m one of the many twentysomething East Asian women living in the Bay Area. Because of that fact, I’ve lost count of how many guys have walked up to tell me that their ex-girlfriends are Asian. Racial pickup lines such as “Konichiwa, Hello Kitty!” sadly have ceased to surprise me at all.</p>
<p>A while back, a <a href="http://creepywhiteguys.tumblr.com/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Tumblr called “Creepy White Guys”</a> with screencaps of real messages received by Asian women from men on OkCupid rose to mainstream fame with <a href="http://www.buzzfeed.com/hnigatu/10-ridiculously-offensive-things-people-tell-asian-women-on" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">BuzzFeed coverage</a>. I don’t think it’s fair to make it sound like only Caucasian men are this lame, but those particular comments definitely earn a high spot on my list of “Most Racist Things I’ve Seen This Decade.” I cannot comprehend what makes men choose to say things like “Unlike white women, [Asian] women remember what it’s like to be a woman: to be docile and submissive and respectful to a man.” This is how they woo the ladies they’re presumably fond of?!</p>
<p><a href="https://thebolditalic.com/why-yellow-fever-is-different-than-having-a-type-the-bold-italic-san-francisco-36ed29359dfb"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>