first travel — off to the land with yellow bedrock

<p>The next morning, Ahmedabad was surprisingly cold. My Aunt (who was not in town at that time) was so sweet enough to leave a nice red jacket for me. Even though I had brought my own, I fancied the sleeveless red jacket too! I had my Shalimar Bhuj Super-fast express at 9.30 am train towards the district of Surendranagar. My uncle insisted that I should be at least an hour earlier, in case there is some confusion at the railway station regarding platform number and departure (apparently, that was common at Ahmedabad railway station). Two lessons I learnt that morning: one &mdash; do not book a long-distance train for a short inter-district journey; two &mdash; do not wait for the announcer at Ahmedabad railway station to repeat his sentence in Hindi.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Yellow Bedrock