On New Years 2024

<p>As I rung in the new year with my family I was filled with all the same measured optimism as any other year. I&rsquo;ve made plans to do good things this year. I plan to continue school, start new creative projects and to deepen my relationships. I&rsquo;ve readied a new years resolution (which I&rsquo;m usually good at sticking to) and have every intention of keeping up with my last years resolution. I had a great holiday filled with encouragement and love (and food). The future is looking bright. And yet, for the first time, the night slipped into an unmeasured anxiety, in the same way that new years eve seemlessly slides into new years day. The night was filled with undertones of family relationship struggles (the kind that are never spoken of over a whisper and yet are louder than any yell) that sparked a deeper conversation between me and my grandmother.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@werty2490/on-new-years-2024-4e6306860b49"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Years 2024