The Cost of Doing Good for Yahshua’s Name

<p>This poem of mine is about being persecuted for doing good things and a reminder that any person is not better than the Master &ldquo;Jesus&rdquo; (Yahshua), who was unjustly persecuted first for doing good even without sin, and so every good person will also be persecuted for doing good things as Yahshua was. Here is my poem on persevering and enduring through persecutions.</p> <p>In a world that&rsquo;s often cruel and unkind,</p> <p>Where doing good seems so hard to find,</p> <p>The righteous path can be a lonely road,</p> <p>One that&rsquo;s harshly trampled by the evil load.</p> <p>For when a man sets out to do good,</p> <p>He often finds himself misunderstood,</p> <p>Persecuted for the light he brings,</p> <p>The hope he gives, the peace he sings.</p> <p>But take heart, dear brethren, do not despair,</p> <p>For Yahshua Himself faced the same snare,</p> <p>Persecuted for the good He did,</p> <p>Yet without sin, He remained steadfast.</p> <p>And so, if you too are hunted down,</p> <p>By those who seek to silence the sound</p> <p>Of the good you and I do, be not afraid,</p> <p>For in our Master&rsquo;s footsteps, we have tread.</p> <p>Know that a man is not better than His Master,</p> <p>And persecution is the path that has been stored</p> <p>For those who seek to do good in this life,</p> <p>Even if it means facing pain and strife.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>