Creating a Secret Lock Code with XR Socket Interactors

<p>In this article, I have created a secret combination of picture frames to be displayed in a specific order in order to reveal a key.</p> <p>To give a clue to the order that the frames need to go in, I have displayed a demo picture frame. There are 3 frames with each of those stick figures in one frame.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*enor98qge2pkt44jEM259w.png" style="height:410px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Then, I will be able to drop each picture frame into its designated spot.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*kB6kaS6lE8fXIpRvrEfQRQ.gif" style="height:354px; width:639px" /></p> <p>And once all 3 picture frames are in its designated spot, it will open a drawer revealing a key. This is what I will be demonstrating in this article.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>