Xeriscape Journey Phase 1 & 2

<p>We began out journey into reducing our ornamental lawn about two months ago. This decision was made for several reasons, these being:</p> <ol> <li>Reduce water consumption, as we live in a semi-desert area.</li> <li>To add some diversity to our yard and neighborhood.</li> <li>To plant and manage local, native plants.</li> <li>To create a habitat for native critters (bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, etc.)</li> </ol> <p>Phase 1 of our project was to plant native bushes in the yard proper and to remove the turf grass from the parkway areas. The parkway is the strip between the sidewalk and the street curb. The parkway are was 160 feet by 42 inches wide. I removed the turf grass to approximately 2.5 inches, put down an overlay of cardboard then covered in mulch or river rock. Native plants were planted in the areas, such as Texas Sage and other native flowers. The mulch rock areas were interspersed to give an aesthetic break to the parkway.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@bootandjeans/xeriscape-journey-phase-1-2-b943ab10c1fe"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>