Xcode Build Time Optimization
<p>As a developer who has been working with Xcode for over 9 years, I suffer a lot with lots of features that are in the Xcode. In my opinion, the worst one is the build time. It can take minutes, possibly hours, for large-scale projects. In this article, I will explain how we were suffering in the <em>AutoScout24</em> <em>iOS</em> project and how we improved it. We managed to <strong>decrease the time we spent by %80</strong> using this methodology.</p>
<p>Improving the build time obviously means clearing up any problematic process that takes too much time. For each project, these problematic processes can be different. I will try to explain how you can investigate and solve this issue in this article. I hope it will be helpful for you.</p>
<p><a href="https://emndeniz.medium.com/xcode-build-time-optimization-abee9893e4c8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>