Xavi’s Barcelona: Philosophy, Tactics and Predictions

<p>Ever since xavi joined barcelona, it&rsquo;s only been improving for them. They have qualified for the campions league, ended the season on more xP than Real Madrid and had a excellent transfer window. I personally think that them, Juventus and Spurs are the biggest &ldquo;Underground&rdquo; threats for the next season. However, i see very little coverage of Barca and xavi&rsquo;s tactics, so I thought it would be good to cover their tactics again!</p> <p>To make this easier to read, I&rsquo;ll break it down into 3 parts</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@moderntactics343/xavis-barcelona-philosophy-tactics-and-predictions-23061381fbb3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>