Right person wrong time

<p>Lately I&rsquo;ve seen so many content about how Mia and Sebastian from La La Land or Jess and Rory from Gilmore Girls are the right representation of a &ldquo;right person wrong time&rdquo; trope. And as much as I love them, I still firmly believe that if it&rsquo;s not the right time, then it simply is the wrong guy.</p> <p>My perspective on this concept might be considered controversial since there are a lot of debates on this topic. But I think that &ldquo;right person wrong time&rdquo; is just a coping mechanism for people who&rsquo;s in denial. Created by the heartbroken people to hold onto the &ldquo;what if&rsquo;s&rdquo;. To comfort their broken ego. To not let go of the whole&nbsp;<em>would&rsquo;ve, could&rsquo;ve, should&rsquo;ve</em>. For me personally,&nbsp;<strong>if it&rsquo;s the right person, there won&rsquo;t be a wrong time</strong>.&nbsp;<strong>If it&rsquo;s the right person, the time will align</strong>.&nbsp;And if it&rsquo;s the wrong time, then they&rsquo;re simply just another lesson learned. Or another great plot for the character development in your own damn movie.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@deandrazaneta/right-person-wrong-time-62f93cca7006"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wrong Time