How To Became a Writer At 77
<p>I’m the Grandma Moses of writing. She began painting professionally at 77. It’s never too late to start something new.</p>
<p>I’m not saying you should wait until you’re in your seventies to follow your dream. But if you do, there is no reason you can’t. I’m living proof.</p>
<p>During the Pandemic, I pushed myself to do something difficult, even though I was supposedly past my prime. Don’t listen to the ageist fools who’ll tell you you’re too old to change.</p>
<p>Here’s how I became a writer at 77.</p>
<p>I flunked algebra in high school. In my sophomore year, I sat in algebra class reading novels and not even trying to learn math. Why didn’t I just transfer out of the class? (Stubborn? Stupid?)</p>
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