Beauty of Numbers & Patterns — A World Shaped By Math

<p>Today, we&rsquo;ll be talking about the essence of mathematics and how it shapes the world around us. The intention behind this post is to show the beauty of math to people, how it governs nature without most of us even noticing it.<br /> Well, we want to talk about so much but we have to keep it compact, to give a brief idea over a lot of things. Hope you enjoy the read.</p> <p>One of the things about Mathematics that we love the most is it&rsquo;s uncanny ability to reveal hidden beautiful patterns in our everyday life, the nature around us. These patterns can be sequential, spatial, temporal, and even linguistic. There are connections between things that don&rsquo;t seem connected, but can be observed with the intellect of math. One beautiful example is &mdash; fireflies flashing in unison and a pattern that can be solved mathematically. You may ask, what&rsquo;s the point of that practically? Well, engineers at Cornell Institute used the above work to make little electronic clocks get in sync, which is a very important aspect in the distributive computing and internet itself.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: world Shaped