A Proposed Class Revision for World of Warcraft 2.

<p>I spend a lot of time theorycrafting, and world building in my work &mdash; heck, I spend a lot of time theorycrafting, and world building for fun&hellip; but lately, being between gigs, I&rsquo;ve found myself less inclined to actually &ldquo;work&rdquo;, aside from hunting for my next big thing, and there&rsquo;s always the fear that if you don&rsquo;t keep sharpening your tools, they&rsquo;ll be too dull to function when the time comes.</p> <p>With that said, I decided to take a crack and reimagining the World of Warcraft class design, perhaps for World of Warcraft 2, in ways that make sense to me. If this is well received, perhaps it will be the first of a series of posts.</p> <p>I hope you enjoy.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*nPsE9VaFuTXEqHu0YYWmiw.png" style="height:158px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Image 1: Current System</p> <p>Above, I&rsquo;ve included the a brief summary of the current World of Warcraft class/spec offerings &mdash; 39 specs, spread across 13 classes. For a game that has been out as long as&nbsp;<em>WoW</em>&nbsp;has, that&rsquo;s a decent variety of things for a game that needs to balance &ldquo;staying the same&rdquo; enough for some people, and &ldquo;trying new things&rdquo; for others. There&rsquo;s a fine line in design between change for the sake of change, and change for the sake of improvement; this isn&rsquo;t always obvious to some people.</p> <p><a href="https://scorpiosymbol.medium.com/a-proposed-class-revision-for-world-of-warcraft-2-3a3889db5713"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: world Warcraft