On October 14th World Migratory Bird Day

<p>October 14th is World Migratory Bird Day.&nbsp;I&rsquo;m glad there is a day to recognize the importance of this topic. Birds have been migrating since forever, but in recent times, they are facing so many disruptions. It&rsquo;s unprecedented, and all due to direct or indirect human actions,</p> <p>I live in California, and in autumn, I often see V-shaped flocks of birds flying. I have seen migratory birds in the marsh, estuary, and beaches of Southern California. Among others, avocets, plovers, sandpipers, terns, and gulls congregate to forage and breed.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/weeds-wildflowers/on-october-14th-world-migratory-bird-day-5302eb1ef821"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>