World Englishes: LOOKING AHEAD!

<p><strong>Topic: The Changing Dynamics of World Englishes: Metamorphosis of Linguistic Mongerialization into the Global &lsquo;Lingua Franca&rsquo;</strong></p> <p><strong>Introduction</strong></p> <p>In our increasingly small global community, the English language is experiencing a rapid metamorphosis and developing into a new medium of communication. English&rsquo;s status as a world language is being greatly impacted by the rapid changes in World Englishes, particularly in Asia and Africa. English has been criticized for being overused, but the evidence points to it being the dominant language in our globalized society. This article examines the causes of English&rsquo;s rise, examines conflicting points of view, and examines English&rsquo;s linguistic richness and adaptability, which make it a good contender to become the global language.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>