Every ‘World Cup’ is bogus.

<p>This is the most insidious part of &lsquo;World Cups&rsquo;. The lack of real competition. There are very few winners, despite 80 total editions of World Cups across the 5 sports.</p> <p>And most of these few winners tend to be located in the West. This shows the true Western dominance of sport.</p> <p>Only 30 out of the 80 World Cups are won by developing countries &mdash; Brazil (5 in Football , 1 in Basketball), Argentina (3 Football, 2 Basketball) and Pakistan (4 Hockey, 1 Cricket) perform the best of the lot.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sukhiahlu/every-world-cup-is-bogus-e87f8add397c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: world Cup