World affairs discussion group

<p>Really stimulating discussion on Poland, its role in the EU and NATO, and Sunday&rsquo;s election last night. Very topical and huge thanks to Bill for finding such an interesting array of materials. Our next discussion will take place on&nbsp;<strong>Monday 27 November at 1830</strong>, again at Milne&rsquo;s Bar on Hanover Street. The topic will be India&rsquo;s role in the world, a few suggested readings are linked above but please do just use what you can find. I do hope you can make it. If you would like to volunteer a topic and materials over the next few months then please do let me know.</p> <p>Please do pass on details of the discussion to any friends/colleagues you have who you think might find it of interest and, as always, please do just come along to say hello even if you haven&rsquo;t had the time to read the text, or been for a while &mdash; be great to see you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: world Affairs