“There are too many women in this world ̶ none of them loved enough.”

<p>I started mapping out this content back in January amidst my mind all worked up and my body fidgeting to find a purpose in life. I was reading an endless number of books every day, managing school and work altogether, freaking out about potentially losing the heartfelt excerpt I had written for my mother last year on Mother&rsquo;s Day (finding it nonetheless). In conclusion, I was overwhelmed. But still, somehow I was pleased with all the hustle.</p> <p>Women are my most favorite subject. I, as a woman myself, can endorse that we are indeed complex, but we are also more than that. We are the softest creatures to ever exist. Nobody comes close. We not only love, but we also devote ourselves. We heed to the ones we hold close. But, I would rather you not mistake our compassion for weakness. We are just as resilient, if not more. I believe that modernity has failed us. It has failed to show the real, the unconventional, the most profound face of women. Because I have had the honor of growing under the influence of a handful of women. Most of them, exemplary.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@lunaaster/there-are-too-many-women-in-this-world-%CC%B6-none-of-them-loved-enough-67296e91a757"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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