Word Games of the Weekend Culture Warrior: 3 Critical Tips to Win the Main Plot

<p>What&rsquo;s in a word? More than just the games people play. For example, I call myself an &ldquo;antiracist.&rdquo; Why? Because racism&rsquo;s destructive history is irrefutable and antiracism is a word that&nbsp;<em>literally</em>&nbsp;means I&rsquo;m opposed to racism. So, you can imagine my fascination over the last couple of years as I&rsquo;ve watched the beneficiaries of racism&rsquo;s accumulated power and wealth target the term &ldquo;antiracism&rdquo; for their latest round of culture war word games.</p> <p>To better understand how this and other particular games are played, it helps to define and contextualize the term &ldquo;racism.&rdquo; Racism is a malevolently malleable institution that has produced massive genocides for all to see, and yet has also spread like&nbsp;<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mold_control_and_prevention_%28library_and_archive%29#/media/File:Schimmelschaden_in_historischer_Akte2.JPG" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">a mold contamination</a>&nbsp;throughout the human storybook to erase any trace of most of the ancestors on the pages of my family tree where no one is looking but me. Racism has also been the catalyst for centuries of colonialism,&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/simple-word-publications/a-brief-corrective-history-of-cancel-culture-7bb4a10e5d2b" rel="noopener">with brutal consequences</a>&nbsp;for generations of peoples those colonies first sucked dry of their life blood and natural resources. But, make no mistake, racism doesn&rsquo;t always look and sound like an aggressively belligerent Archie Bunker. Racism just as often looks and sounds like the high-born King of England, accented with the inherited affectations of a monarchy&rsquo;s entitlements. And sometimes racism is as insidiously silent as that dead-weighted knee of law enforcement we all watched pressing down into Mr. George Floyd&rsquo;s neck just before the summer of 2020.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/simple-word-publications/word-games-of-the-weekend-culture-warrior-3-critical-tips-to-win-the-main-plot-d90bbe02b1ad"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Games Warrior