Wolf howls: what wolves are telling each other- and you- through howls

<p>If you&rsquo;ve ever heard a wolf howl &mdash; whether in the wild, at a zoo, or at a sanctuary &mdash; you know that it can be an eerie yet beautiful sound. Here&rsquo;s what you should know about wolf howls:</p> <ol> <li>Why they howl,</li> <li>How to tell the difference between a gray wolf or coyote through howls, and</li> <li>What the different howls and barks from wolves mean.</li> </ol> <p>Horror movies and other pop culture would lead you to believe that wolves howl at the moon. Not true. Just like with domestic dogs, howling is actually a form of communication.</p> <p><a href="https://wdfw.medium.com/wolf-howls-what-wolves-are-telling-each-other-and-you-through-howls-ecac0f570b75"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wolf howls