Toronto Is Going Woke and Broke

<p>Canada&rsquo;s largest and wealthiest city has an election coming up June 26th to replace philandering former mayor John Tory. According to a recent poll, former NDP MP Olivia Chow has extended her lead to 35%. Meanwhile her closest competitor, ex-police chief Mark Saunders, sits at 14%. He therefore has an outside chance only of catching Chow, who is three-quarters of the way to making Toronto a full-fledged &ldquo;woke&rdquo; metropolis. And, the only candidate advocating for real change is former journalist Anthony Furey. He has received endorsements from intellectual heavyweights Conrad Black and Jordan Peterson. He is the only candidate proposing reduced budget expenses, cutting the land transfer tax and with a plan to hire 500 more police officers, Furey is also the only candidate showing any serious interest in public safety. His campaign is gaining momentum with 11% of the vote, based on recent polling.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Woke Broke