Wisconsin: Don’t Wait for November 8th to Cast Your Ballot

<p>How is everybody doing today. It&rsquo;s good to be back in Wisconsin.</p> <p>Good to be back in the Midwest, especially when it&rsquo;s 67 degrees in October. My nephews are here. And I was talking about the fact that when we used to go trick-or-treating in Chicago, we had no idea what the costumes were because we had those big down jackets on. But this was some good trick to treat the weather out here. And it is great to be back at North Division High. This is actually the third time that I&rsquo;ve spoken here. The last time was back in 2018. And for some reason, I&rsquo;m the only one who looks older. Which is a little disturbing.</p> <p>Yes, it&rsquo;s good to see you.</p> <p><a href="https://barackobama.medium.com/wisconsin-dont-wait-for-november-8th-to-cast-your-ballot-6fbca05d3759"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wisconsin