On the Wings of a Kite…

<p>Man always imagined flight as an effective means of escape and as a symbol of liberation from all obstacles of the mere human condition. For man, the ultimate symbol of freedom and liberty remains the wings that make birds fly. Envious of birds flying freely in the sky, humans remained inspired by the winged creatures for a long time. This unconscious aspiration pushed mankind towards experimenting with diverse kinds of flight methods. How were the wishful minds to know that one day, this unconscious desire to fly freely in the air would become a reality? Nevertheless, it took mankind many more unsuccessful attempts before they understood the tremendous physical principles of flight and built the first flying machines. But even before flying, the first problem that arose for humans wishing to imitate the birds was that of leaving the ground.</p> <p><a href="https://sramdin20.medium.com/our-rich-and-varied-cultural-heritage-has-a-profound-power-to-help-build-our-nation-nelson-9177e5ffb28e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wings