3 Tools that give you control of your Windows Machine

<p>Windows is perhaps one of the most popular brand of Operating System out there. It is quite possible that your previous generation would have worked on Windows. It is also possible that you have had access to windows from an early age. You might also be familiar with the excitement that you might have had regarding the features of new windows. The race to master the operating before your peers? The race to be a Power User, somebody who is capable of using the capabilities of your machine to its maximum.</p> <p>And yet, most of us are stuck in the limitations that the Windows is increasingly putting on us. While ignoring the fact that Windows wasn&rsquo;t probably any more liberating and functional ever before. So, I am going to tell you about 3 tools that will introduce you to the advanced controls of your windows operating system as a common person and computing enthusiast.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@harsh_jinger/3-tools-that-give-you-control-of-your-windows-machine-5b3689ebbe9f"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>