Set up config like memory limits in Docker for Windows and WSL2

<p>If you are starting to learn about setting up a system environment using Docker, then you definitely want to make sure it uses the right amount of memory and processing power.</p> <p>After installing Docker in Windows, you might think that changing these settings would be as easy as changing configurations in VirtualBox (via UI).</p> <p>Well, not quite.</p> <p>Unlike Linux and Mac, we cannot directly change the configuration via Docker&rsquo;s UI.</p> <p>The latest release of Docker for Windows requires that we install the Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 (WSL2) that allows you to configure global options that will be used by all WSL2 Linux distributions installed in Windows 10.</p> <p>And to change the setting for Docker means that we need to create a&nbsp;<strong>.wslconfig</strong>&nbsp;file. Note that there are two types of config files that we can create. The&nbsp;<strong>.wslconfig</strong>&nbsp;file would let us create a global configuration. The other one,&nbsp;<strong>wsl.conf&nbsp;</strong>allows us to configure settings per -distribution for Linux distros in our machine. You can learn more about it here</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More.</strong></a></p>
Tags: Windows WSL2