Execution Report: John William Hummel

<p><strong>Texas&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; The Huntsville Item has reported that John William Hummel, 45, had been executed by the state of Texas at 6:49 p.m. CST on June 30, 2021. He was executed by lethal injection inside the execution chamber at the Huntsville &ldquo;Walls&rdquo; Unit in Huntsville, Texas. Hummel was the second person put to death by the state of Texas &mdash; and any other U.S. state &mdash; this year. Statistically, he was the 572nd person executed by the state of Texas since executions resumed in 1982 and the 1,534th person put to death in the United States since 1976. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice acknowledged the error that was made on the day of Quintin Jones&rsquo; execution, in which media witnesses were not permitted inside the execution chamber. They corrected this error by adopting a new procedure in which media witnesses would be under constant supervision by a correctional officer to make sure they were brought into the chamber.</p> <p><a href="https://deathrowwatcher.medium.com/execution-report-john-william-hummel-d49c867f48fa"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: William Hummel