Will you Carry your Fire ?

<p>A few months ago, I experienced&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;The Road&rdquo;.</strong><br /> The movie tells the story of a father and his son in an apocalyptic world.<br /> The trumpets have sounded, but a few have been forgotten on earth.<br /> The earth is now a circle of hell, and it&rsquo;s in these ashes that a father must protect his son. Imagine having to sail through hell, having to protect an innocent being you love with all your soul.<br /> That&rsquo;s the experience of &ldquo;The Road&rdquo;.</p> <p>When you read this novel or see the movie: it&rsquo;s dark.<br /> One of the most darkest experience i ever had.<br /> This world is vile, dirty, disgusting.<br /> The &ldquo;humans&rdquo; who inhabit it are awful.<br /> Some scenes will stay with you forever.<br /> There&rsquo;s a &ldquo;before&rdquo; and an &ldquo;after&rdquo; The Road.<br /> 95% of post-apo universes are health ballads compared to this one.<br /> It&rsquo;s often something bloggers say to pique their readers&rsquo; curiosity. But not this time. I don&rsquo;t want to whet your curiosity, but to put out a warning.<br /> <strong>To experience this film or book is to visit the lowest strata of what humankind has to offer.</strong></p> <p>So, why hurt yourself?<br /> Why break your heart on purpose by viewing this type of content?<br /> Paradox of this tale.<br /> <strong>In the story with the least hope, the author manages to convey infinite amount of hope.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@viam_/will-you-carry-your-fire-e9e74fb6acd5">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Fire