The Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary

<p>The world&rsquo;s first jaguar preserve consists of 128,000 protected acres. It is a short 30-minute drive Northwest from Placencia in Southern Belize. An expanse of biodiversity, the reserve is a safe haven for all of Belize&rsquo;s wild cats including Puma, Ocelot, Margay, Jaguar, and Jaguaranudi. These majestic creatures are a marvel to behold in their natural habitat.</p> <p>In the sanctuary, you&rsquo;ll find signs of activity everywhere. Recordings are almost daily of scats on trails and paw prints in the mud. At the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, you are immersed deep into the world of these wild cats. Who knows? You might also be lucky enough to experience a close encounter.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>