Alba: A Wildlife Adventure has a simple message — What you do matters

<p>I&rsquo;ve heard it said that acting as an individual in the face of climate change is akin to trying to bail out the sinking Titanic with a teaspoon. Frankly, I think this is defeatist nonsense of the worst kind.</p> <p>Agreed, a group of people can almost certainly have a greater impact than a single person. It&rsquo;s far easier to ignore one individual on protest than it is when there&rsquo;s a thousand people on the streets demanding something. And of course there would be a far smaller amount of pollution belched into the atmosphere if an entire workforce decides to take the bus to work than if one person decides to cycle their commute. But does that mean that it&rsquo;s pointless for each one of us as individuals to do anything unless we&rsquo;re doing it as part of a larger group? Of course it doesn&rsquo;t. Every action, no matter how small, matters.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>