Why You Need To Code Every Day When You’re Learning To Program

<p>When I was first teaching myself computer programming, I&rsquo;d often set aside a big chunk of time on the weekend to work on tutorials. By the end of a couple of hours, I always felt like I&rsquo;d made real progress.</p> <p>Alas, by the time the next weekend came around, a lot of what I&rsquo;d learned would evaporate. &ldquo;Uh, how do I &hellip; select an element in a two-dimensional array, again? I thought I learned this?&rdquo;&nbsp;<em>Gaaaah halp.</em></p> <p>So I got into a depressing loop: I&rsquo;d spend the first half of my weekly session just getting back up to speed, re-absorbing the material I&rsquo;d learned a week ago. It was frustrating.</p> <p>As you can probably guess by now, this is not the right way to learn to program.</p> <p>The&nbsp;<em>correct</em>&nbsp;way &mdash; as many friends in software told me &mdash; is to do a bit of coding every day. Even doing fifteen minutes once a day works better than setting a few hours aside once a week.</p> <p>Once I started doing that, I found that the concepts truly lodged<em>&nbsp;</em>in my head. Sure, I still forgot things. I still do today; hell, even long-term professional programmers constantly google stuff. But the general&nbsp;<em>gist&nbsp;</em>of coding, the major patterns and concepts, remained present in my mind &mdash; so long as I was doing a little every day.</p> <p><a href="https://betterprogramming.pub/why-you-need-to-code-every-day-when-youre-learning-to-pro-a4d022e70459">Read More</a></p>