Why the iPad mini 6 Is PERFECT for Back to School

<p>It&rsquo;s been&nbsp;<em>ages</em>&nbsp;since I last spoke or wrote about the&nbsp;<a href="https://markellisreviews.com/my-ipad-mini-only-challenge/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">iPad mini</a>. In the last few months, I&rsquo;ve barely acknowledged its existence, publicly. Yet, I can happily confirm that it still plays a vital role in my business every single day.</p> <p>However, I&rsquo;ve been expanding my horizons, and while my son is currently far too young to warrant Apple&rsquo;s best version of the iPad to date, now that I&rsquo;m a parent, I can see why this would be an incredibly sensible purchase for those who will soon be heading back to school.</p> <p>The budget required is questionable, I know. But hear me out.</p> <h2>The most popular iPad I&rsquo;ve reviewed</h2> <p>Of all the iPads I&rsquo;ve covered during my time as a tech reviewer, the iPad mini has been the most popular &mdash; by a country mile.</p> <p>It has generated hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube for my channel, and whenever I publish a video containing my updated thoughts on this little marvel, people come flocking to offer their opinion.</p> <p>To be clear &mdash; this very rarely happens with most tech products. They all have a shelf life, and it&rsquo;s often alarmingly short. No one cares about the new&nbsp;<a href="https://markellisreviews.com/apples-everest-exploring-the-challenges-exposed-by-iphone-15-leaks/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">iPhone</a>, Samsung flagship, or huge iOS feature update six months later.</p> <p>The iPad mini? It appears to be timeless.</p> <p>That must count for something and it&rsquo;s why, when parents ask me which iPad they should buy their kid, it&rsquo;s the first that comes to mind. There are some downsides, which I&rsquo;ll get to later, but let&rsquo;s focus on the good stuff, first.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/macoclock/why-the-ipad-mini-6-is-perfect-for-back-to-school-afdbf1135145"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: iPad mini