Why the George Santos Scandal Can’t Go Unchecked

<p>Months after the 2022 midterms, the dust is settling on Capitol Hill. It&rsquo;s been two years since the&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/my-side-of-the-aisle/even-the-new-york-post-is-condemning-trump-for-january-6-3d8f3fceed52" rel="noopener">January 6 insurrection</a>&nbsp;but the attacks on democracy haven&rsquo;t stopped. While the Congressional committee appointed to investigate the attack on the Capitol recently recommended that Donald Trump be charged, his own party is still attempting to rewrite the rules of government to keep themselves in power. But recently, the GOP has suffered a truly embarrassing blow, courtesy of a newly elected congressional rep from Long Island, New York.</p> <p>George Santos was elected in November 2022 to represent New York&rsquo;s 3rd Congressional district which includes part of northern Nassau County of Long Island and northeast Queens. He defeated Robert Zimmerman, a progressive democrat and small business owner. However, one month later, reports broke that the political newcomer had lied about his background. As it turns out, he largely fabricated just about every line on his resume that helped him get elected.</p> <p>As a Congressional candidate, Santos painted a compelling picture of himself.&nbsp;He spun tales of a son of Brazilian immigrants who had catapulted himself to success by way of the city college system. After attending Baruch College and studying at New York University, he began a career in finance, ultimately joining the ranks of Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. Along the way, he found time to launch the Friends of Pets United animal rescue and help manage his family&rsquo;s 13 property real estate portfolio. To top it all off, Santos accomplished all this by age 34.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/my-side-of-the-aisle/why-the-george-santos-scandal-cant-go-unchecked-e4b26070c764"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>