Why Learning to Rest Is the Key to Successful Software Development

<p>I recently attended an internal presentation titled &ldquo;Deciding What to Learn,&rdquo; which explored the various ways software engineers can keep up with the constantly changing world of tech. Towards the end of the presentation, the speaker emphasized that knowledge isn&rsquo;t the only factor that impacts performance and success. Activities such as running, getting enough sleep, and taking time to relax are also crucial. One audience member joked, &ldquo;So, should we add &lsquo;enough rest&rsquo; to our personal development plans?&rdquo; A few people laughed but perhaps it&rsquo;s not such a bad suggestion after all&hellip;</p> <h2>The Ever-Shifting Learning Landscape</h2> <p>I love learning, always have. And I&rsquo;m not just talking textbooks. I&rsquo;m talking hands-on, DIY, learn-as-you-go stuff. Learning how to create my own website at 13, learning how to make a game in Actionscript during Uni. These days I am learning about leadership and psychology.</p> <p>In Software Engineering, it feels like you&rsquo;re on a never-ending chase for the next big thing. I still remember the thrill of my first legit web developer gig, diving headfirst into PHP and Drupal. I wanted to become a &ldquo;Drupal Guru&rdquo;.. Then &ldquo;going full-stack&rdquo; became all the rage, which basically meant mastering just enough to whip up and launch a client site solo. My &ldquo;fullstackness&rdquo; was shortly lived however, when said client website had to be moved out of the server room into the &ldquo;the cloud&rdquo;. I started attending AWS conferences and studied for certificates&hellip; Then AngularJS made frontend cool again and I switched back to being frontend&hellip; I could go on and on.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-tech-collective/why-learning-to-rest-is-the-key-to-successful-software-development-6d0b2ea17714">Click Here</a></p>