Why blockchain and Web3 user interfaces will suck for a while

<p>My point in a nutshell: Web people are generally not interested in lessons from the past, and experienced tech people don&rsquo;t&nbsp;<em>need</em>&nbsp;Web3 (at least not yet). Until there&rsquo;s a meeting of the minds, blockchain UX is going to suck. (&nbsp;<em>Jargon definitions: Web 2.0 is &ldquo;the web&rdquo; today. Web3 is what&rsquo;s coming with the advent of blockchain technologies.&nbsp;</em><a href="https://www.investopedia.com/web-20-web-30-5208698" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Detailed definitions of Web 2.0 &amp; Web</em></a><em>3.)</em></p> <p>Over the past 4+ years, I&rsquo;ve been dragged kicking and screaming into the actually-pretty-magical world of Web3. I&rsquo;ve worked, or tried to work, with a bunch Web3 founders in two categories: the crypto-natives and the pre-disastered.</p> <h1>Type one: the &lsquo;Crypto-Native&rsquo; founders</h1> <p>Crypto-natives have been living and breathing Web3 for years. They populate an enormous echo chamber of people speaking a language that most tech people can&rsquo;t even understand, to say nothing of the general public.</p> <p>I totally understand the sense of wonder and empowerment that comes from knowing you are building the future. That you know things that only your fellow travelers truly understand. And that some of these things will not only spell doom for what came before but are going to change the world. Early Web 2.0 inventors felt this same way and for the same reasons.</p> <p>The beginning of Web 2.0 was a time of &ldquo;new paradigms&rdquo; and &ldquo;new economies&rdquo; and new financial metrics and all the rest. What could we possibly learn from prior software projects? And how could old-school retail or catalog possibly have anything to teach us about building the web?</p> <p>From that perspective, it makes no sense for Web3 founders to look to Web 2.0 practices for&hellip;well&hellip;anything. Breaking from old standards and valuing creativity is core to Web3 DNA:&nbsp;<strong><em>everything</em></strong>&nbsp;is a candidate for revolutionary redesign. If you&rsquo;re a crypto-native reinventing enormous stuff like trust, money and digital identity, why&nbsp;<em>wouldn&rsquo;t&nbsp;</em>you reinvent &lsquo;user experience&rsquo; and &lsquo;how to develop software?&rsquo; Why use old practices to invent something new?</p> <p><a href="https://uxdesign.cc/why-blockchain-and-web-3-user-interfaces-will-suck-for-a-while-7575b7515757"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>