Why are language models everywhere?

<p>Have you ever wondered about how we got here with&nbsp;ChatGPT&nbsp;and Large Language Models? The answer lies in the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) itself. So let&rsquo;s talk about it. Don&rsquo;t worry; the history is more interesting than you think! Section 1 will describe the birth of AI and NLP. Section 2 will talk about the major pillars of the field. Sections 3 through 5 will go into detailed timelines for the past 75 years. And for the final section 6, we describe the convergence of all these fields into&nbsp;<em>language modeling</em>&nbsp;which has become so popular today!</p> <h1>1 Genesis</h1> <p>In the beginning, there was Alan Turing&rsquo;s 1950 publication&nbsp;<em>Computing Machinery and Intelligence</em>&nbsp;where he posits the question &ldquo;Can machines think&rdquo;. This paper is often touted as the birth of Artificial Intelligence. Although it did not talk about natural language explicitly, it laid the groundwork for future research in NLP. This is why the earliest works in NLP spring up in the 1950s.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/why-are-language-models-everywhere-36d9961dd9e1">Website</a></p>