Who Stopped You? Fate, Destiny, Or Life? Part II

<p>&ldquo;I was raised to believe that not every door that is closed should be kicked open because sometimes it&rsquo;s fate, life, or destiny that closed it.&rdquo;</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*r8V-MKq90igqf1FckFoMFg.jpeg" style="height:849px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Image by AnneliseLords</p> <p>The newscaster continued to report, &ldquo;Clemment Airlines Boeing 789 Flight 003 to California developed engine trouble and had to divert to Carson City airport in Nevada. After it landed and the passengers disembarked, a disgruntled employee started shooting with an AK 47 on Rapid, killing ten passengers and wounding eighteen before he was cut down by an armed TSA Agent.</p> <p>Joy was pulled closer to the TV, followed by her friends. They clung together in support as CNN continued to report another mass shooting.</p> <p>Suddenly, Cindy and Ingrid&rsquo;s image, and other passengers who died flashed on the screen. Joy&rsquo;s body became limp. Her three friends prevented her from falling, carrying her back to their table.</p> <p>&ldquo;Not here,&rdquo; Mallory suggested, as they carried Joy outside. They assisted her into the back seat of Mallory&rsquo;s car, Ursella sitting beside her, holding her up as she wept.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-yessba/who-stopped-you-fate-destiny-or-life-part-ii-e94e2b6dc285"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>