This is how whiteness works at work

<p>For as long as any American can recall, there has been a race problem, racial issues, racism, or white supremacy &mdash; depending on the era and depth of understanding. But in all of our lives, there has been precious little progress. One cause for the problem is that we do not have clear ways to understand race, and without that, we cannot find a way forward. It seems that we agree in a general sense. People believe that racism is bad and want to see an end to the suffering caused by it. Sadly, most agreement is confined to abstractions. There is much less agreement as we move to the ground level and try to live big ideas. For example, it is now trending to claim equity. Everyone agrees with equity. But do they agree on one definition of equity? Of course not. &ldquo;Equity&rdquo; shows that we can agree on a word while disagreeing about how we define it. People prefer the philosophical, because it is easy to agree when the stakes are low and increasingly hard to agree when stakes are high. America needs a new way to understand racism and white supremacy &mdash; one grounded in big ideas and connected to what to do next.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>