Bill Gates and the Epidemic of White Saviorism

<p>Today, we see a lot of prominent people in the Global North pitching solutions to the world&rsquo;s problems. They claim that their business savvy, resources, and influence are exactly what&rsquo;s missing in the quest to save humanity from poverty, hunger, and illness. They believe they&rsquo;ve &ldquo;earned&rdquo; their wealth through &ldquo;hard work&rdquo; and &ldquo;determination.&rdquo; As a result, they sell the idea that they can solve complex social problems.</p> <p>This is &ldquo;white saviorism&rdquo;: the idea that wealthy white people can save &ldquo;underprivileged,&rdquo; &ldquo;under-developed,&rdquo; &ldquo;Third World&rdquo; countries. White saviorism is commonly practiced by misguided individuals who go on volunteer trips for their personal fulfillment. But when white saviors have enough wealth and influence, their &ldquo;solutions&rdquo; can change entire political and social systems. At this level, white saviorism becomes neocolonialism.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>