Give me Fuel, Give me Fire, Give me That Which I Desire

<p>Today&rsquo;s menu includes the all-time classics: &ldquo;<em>It feels like I lucked into taking the place of someone who deserves to be here&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>with a side of &ldquo;<em>I have no idea what I am doing&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>and closing out the meal with a beautifully baked<em>&nbsp;&ldquo;They just haven&rsquo;t realised what a fraud I am, yet&rdquo;.</em></p> <p>Let us take a step back while I remind myself the long road the last decade has been. I would also like to point out that there is no such thing as &ldquo;deserving&rdquo; or not. That is just an idea that we perpetuate to rationalise things that cannot otherwise be rationalised. Like how at many points in history one group of people decide what another group deserves. Of course, you could argue that all ideas are just as made up. The very words I am typing right now are just as made up. But I am slowly getting off topic, and that feels a little intentional.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Desire