Where to Find Your Eternal Confidence

<p>Watching my childhood videos, I see a 4-year old version of myself full of intrinsic confidence. A child who was cheeky, singing, dancing, laughing, who was immensely embodied and present, and a true free spirit. Although, it didn&rsquo;t take long for my sensitive, empathic, and daydreaming fundamental aspects to be rejected by our societal culture and schooling through conditioning and programming. I became the shy youth, the introverted, the misunderstood who did not fit into the norm. Mirroring the behaviours of others around me to camouflage myself in the crowd. By adolescence I had built an impenetrable stoic barrier where my sexuality, intuitive nature, and creativity were completely suppressed. I was living a complete lie in my adulthood as a result, and some moments I wondered why I even existed, and what would happen if I just disappeared?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@catchingadream33/where-to-find-your-eternal-confidence-4b98eec1fd5a">Website</a></p>