Where Did My Travel Bug Go?

<p>Sometimes I wonder if I used up all my traveling energy in my twenties. This week I&rsquo;m in Mexico, visiting my friend Meghan who&rsquo;s been living here for several years. I came to Mexico City for her 30th birthday party, a rather big bash.</p> <p>Meghan, my freshman year college roommate turned best friend of the past decade, has sort of assimilated into the Nink family. She&rsquo;s good friends with my sisters too, so they also came down for the party.</p> <p>The party was really fun &mdash; seventy people, incredible quesadillas, tequila sodas, and dancing salsa late into the night on a rooftop deck &mdash; and then we spent a few days exploring Mexico City after, checking out Meghan&rsquo;s neighborhood and favorite local spots.</p> <p>After a few days of exploring, my sisters headed back to the US while Meghan and I flew to the beach in Oaxaca, Mexico, where we are now staying in a tiny town called Mazunte.</p> <p>Ididn&rsquo;t do so well when our flight shook violently while climbing out of Mexico City yesterday. I&rsquo;m okay with a little turbulence but this was&nbsp;<em>major,&nbsp;</em>starting from the moment we lifted off and lasting for what felt like hours but was probably five to ten minutes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/where-did-my-travel-bug-go-1f32f60d5b47">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Bug Travel