When Was the Last Time You Had Yourself a Insert Your Name Day?

<p>Sitting in my coaches office, doing a poor job withholding tears, I tell him &ldquo;I need to get out of here, coach. I need to get far from the field. I can&rsquo;t be here right now and I can&rsquo;t think about baseball.&rdquo;</p> <p>I wasn&rsquo;t sure what to do. I had never felt this way before.</p> <p>What used to be an empty space in my mind was now filled with worry, anxiety, sadness, pain, and exhaustion.</p> <p>Maybe it was the all out grind in the Florida summer humidity playing my first professional 140 game season that set me off. It could have been that or the recent breakup with my girlfriend after trying to salvage an immature distance relationship.</p> <p>It could have been the unresolved resentment I had with my father at the time. Before I understood God and knew we all fell short of the glory.</p> <p>It could have been the new team I had gotten promoted to. A new team meant new surroundings, new teammates, and a new coach, all new things my mind was trying to acclimate with. Not to mention the immense pressure to prove you belong on this new team.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/change-becomes-you/when-was-the-last-time-you-had-yourself-a-insert-your-name-day-9d69b85922d6">Read More</a></p>