Why you are unable to complete what you started?

<p>A common thread that connects each one of us is that we all have many incomplete things that we started once but never went on to complete. These things can be from taking care of your health to changing your job to working on the side hustle to that report that has been pending for long.</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;We all know that if complete what we start we would be in a better place than where we are now&rdquo;</p> </blockquote> <p>So, then what stops us from completing our tasks, here are some primary reasons that are responsible for 80% of incomplete tasks:</p> <ol> <li>Fear of failure</li> <li>Emotional turmoil, Anger, Frustration</li> <li>Multitasking</li> <li>Doom scrolling videos/reels/social media feeds</li> <li>Multitasking and hence lack of focus</li> <li>Lack of clear goals and reward mechanism</li> <li>Unrealistic timelines</li> <li>Lack of consistency</li> <li>Procrastination</li> </ol> <p>Although, the above list of not exhaustive, if you analyze your life you will find that 80% of your tasks are not being completed because of the above. Share in the comments, your reasons for not finishing what you start.</p> <p>In my next post, I shall share a framework that will help you to complete what you start. You can subscribe to my list to get an update.</p> <p><a href="https://arjunsarin.medium.com/why-you-are-unable-to-complete-what-you-started-7a9ea2fa6ff5"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>