Why Time-Blocking Might Not Work for You and What to Do Instead

<p>Finding the best way to structure work is a key ingredient to productivity. However, this entirely depends on your scheduling mindset.</p> <p>This is why time-blocking might not work for you.</p> <p>Time blocking is a productivity technique where you create segments in your daily schedule and assign tasks to 30 to 90-minute blocks.</p> <p>The reason time-blocking has risen in popularity is in part due to our normal work structure disappearing. Flexible hours and working from home have given us more control over our schedules, but it&rsquo;s come at a cost.</p> <p>We have lost the traditional 9&ndash;5 workday and the social interaction of working alongside colleagues. Now we have to mold our own work environment and find our own unique work structure.</p> <p>More than ever, everyone&rsquo;s work needs a system to find a few hours a day to put their head down and stay focused.</p> <p>For some, time-blocking&rsquo;s rigid scheduling works. It gives them precisely what to work on based on time. It takes decision-making away if you build a schedule and have sufficient motivation.</p> <p><a href="https://betterhumans.pub/why-time-blocking-might-not-work-for-you-and-what-to-do-instead-2c09b4d70f61"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Blocking Time