What the End of Feudalism Tells Us About Capitalism’s Inevitable Demise

<p>Late stage capitalism is all the rage right now. This is especially true for younger generations &mdash; mine included &mdash; who believe there is no way out of the economic mess we&rsquo;re in.</p> <p>Despite all the doom and gloom, there is light at the end of the tunnel. To get there, however, we&rsquo;ll have to give up capitalism as we know it and embrace something entirely new.</p> <p>We&rsquo;ve been here before. Following the Black Death, Europe underwent radical political, social, and economic transformation. With the death of millions of peasants, feudalism came to an end. But that didn&rsquo;t happen overnight. It took centuries for a new economic model to emerge &mdash; capitalism.</p> <p>If the United States is indeed in late stage capitalism, a new alternative economic model is in the process of being built. Maybe it will be a digitally native and decentralized economy. Maybe it won&rsquo;t.</p> <p>History tells us that transitions take time. We may be instrumental in building the new system that emerges, but it&rsquo;s likely we won&rsquo;t have the opportunity to benefit from it.</p> <p>This essay will examine how the Black Death was a catalyst for massive economic change in Europe during the Middle Ages. It will argue that capitalism emerged as a reaction to the failures of feudalism rather than being an organic source of original innovation.</p> <p><a href="https://amandaclaypool.medium.com/what-the-end-of-feudalism-tells-us-about-capitalisms-inevitable-demise-326d6bc44f0e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>