What is Privacy in Web3?

<h1>Introduction</h1> <p>For Web3, privacy is the elephant in the room. It is at once crypto&rsquo;s biggest selling point, going hand in hand with the principles of decentralization, anonymity, and trustlessness, and its biggest pain point, with excruciating KYCs, easily trackable PII, and an ever-suspicious gaze from the outside world.</p> <p>Unfortunately, this is also a topic that is largely misunderstood and misconceived, with many people viewing crypto &ldquo;privacy&rdquo; as simply an excuse to finance terrorists and conduct money laundering. The fact that crypto Twitter prides itself for its &ldquo;anon culture&rdquo; and that mainstream media often (intentionally or unintentionally) reinforces these biases doesn&rsquo;t help a case in dissolving these stereotypes.</p> <p>Because Web3 privacy is such an all-encompassing concept, touching upon everything from ape profile pictures to cryptography and Zero Knowledge Proofs, its useless to talk about it in the aggregate, and make lump-sum judgements on whether it is good or bad. Instead, we must break down the problem into different smaller segments. In this essay, I will first break down and analyze Web3&rsquo;s &ldquo;privacy&rdquo; infrastructure at three distinct levels &mdash; network level privacy, protocol level privacy, and user level privacy &mdash; before exploring the role that technological solutions such as Zero Knowledge Proofs play in the future of Web3 privacy.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/web3-insights/what-is-privacy-in-web3-3226ac75f2d1"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Privacy Web3