What is Parental Attunement and Why is it So Essential?

<p>We all make mistakes.</p> <p>Most of the time, our parenting mistakes are unintentional. We love our kids and strive to do our best. But sometimes, we misinterpret and misunderstand their needs. We might rely on advice from friends, neighbors, and social media, or enlist child-raising approaches learned from our families &mdash; but realize that these strategies don&rsquo;t always work.</p> <p>Even the most well-intentioned parenting practices fall flat when we are not attuned to our child.</p> <p>The parent-child bond rests on a secure attachment. Children need to feel they are understood, as well as loved, and that you are attuned to their needs.&nbsp;Parental attunement requires an understanding of a child&rsquo;s unique temperament, developmental level, and how they respond to challenging situations.&nbsp;It involves empathy for what the child is feeling &mdash; even when their reactions, behaviors, or emotional outbursts seem excessive. It also asks that we reflect upon our personal beliefs, attitudes, worries, and expectations so that&nbsp;<em>our</em>&nbsp;needs (conscious or unconscious) do not contribute to misattunement.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/wise-well/what-is-parental-attunement-and-why-is-it-so-essential-802c0979512c">Read More</a></p>