What is DevOps? How it creates value?

<p>I&rsquo;m sure you already heard or even read about DevOps, that&rsquo;s why you are here.<br /> Maybe it&rsquo;s your first time learning about it and maybe you already read some articles but you&rsquo;re not satisfied yet (so you ended up here).<br /> I aim to give you a&nbsp;<strong>clear explanation beyond definitions, without buzzwords</strong>&nbsp;in a way it&rsquo;s super easy to understand.</p> <h1><strong>So What is DevOps?</strong></h1> <p>The word comes from Development and Operations. Sometimes also referred as DevSecOps, referencing to Security aspects that DevOps is work, which improves the<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Development process, the Operations (and Security) of your digital products or services, by:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Process automation</strong>: Run builds, tests and deployments automatically. No more process errors and failing software in production.</li> <li><strong>Reducing delivery time</strong>: This goes together with the first point, DevOps can reduce time-to-market, hence it can free manual work and precious time.</li> <li><strong>Connecting people</strong>: Making collaboration easy of various departments and stakeholders. Helping people understand and deliver business requirements.</li> <li><strong>Cost optimalization</strong>: Monitoring resource utilization to reduce costs, having resources be deployed on-demand while they are required &mdash; of course, automatically.</li> <li><strong>Scalability</strong>: Scale infrastructural needs quickly on demand (more servers to handle huge loads for peak periods) or as your business grows (install software on new location to serve clients).</li> <li><strong>Availability</strong>: Solution to always have your system working. It includes monitoring system components 0&ndash;24, live alerting, logging, and storing this information for later inspection.</li> <li><strong>Greater satisfaction</strong>: The faster, cheaper, and effortless are fixing bugs, developing new features, operating and maintaining software, the more relieving work and running your business become.</li> </ol> <p>Notice, that DevOps is fully in tone with&nbsp;<strong>Agile</strong>, because both emphasize the same values that makes a difference between good and bad results. The most important are being able to deliver fast, getting feedbacks from any stage quickly, focusing on customer satisfaction and connecting business units to share responsibility of quality.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@dev.nagydani/what-is-devops-how-devops-creates-value-20693e11f699"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>